More and more people are finding ways in overcoming their fear of flying because being afraid of flying can be difficult especially to those who love to go to places. This is because that very fear of being inside the place is what hinders them from enjoying the places that are waiting to be seen and experienced. To some people, aside from not being able to enjoy going to places, fear of flying also causes them several complications in their health as well as in their emotional and mental state.
If you are one of those who feel fear of flying, it is always best to visit a professional to help you determine if you have this phobia or not. The doctor will ask you several questions and would probably conduct an overall physical and mental exam to determine the degree of your fear of flying. Once there is a final diagnosis, he or she would recommend some activities or even medication to help you in overcoming your fear of flying.
What you need to know
People who have fear of flying oftentimes deny this condition due to the fact they may receive criticisms from other people. They are afraid to acknowledge that they indeed have a phobia in flying because they are afraid that they will become a laughingstock of others. These people are also afraid that their character is judged based on their fear of flying alone.
If you are one of those who have developed a fear of flying but would want to overcome it, the best way to go about this is to stop thinking what others may think. This is very important because if one is able to veer away from what others are thinking about them, they can focus more on the things that they need to do in overcoming fear in flying.
The next best thing that should be done is to finally acknowledge that you are indeed afraid of flying. Experts say that fear of flying is a kind of phobia, thus, it can be irrational. There is really no specific explanation of why a person feels this anxiety or stress when flying since people vary in terms of imagination and thinking. What is proven is that people who have developed a fear of flying have some commonalities when it comes to this phobia. Some commonalities include are the reasons why are they’re afraid to fly. These reasons stem from the fear that something might happen during the flight such as the plane taking emergency landing due to mechanical problems or prolonged turbulence that is usually caused by bad weather. Once these fears have been addressed, there is a greater possibility for a person to overcome his or her fear of flying.
Another thing that is also important in overcoming the fear of flying is to understand the symptoms of the phobia. The most common symptom of aviophobia in a person is that the intensity of anxiety that grips him or her just thinking about flying, when a plane is in sight or when inside the airplane. All throughout the flight, the person with aviophobia is expected to be overwhelmed with nervousness that is close to a panic attack especially when untoward incidents occur. Other symptoms also include nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, dizziness, excessive sweating despite the cold temperature, involuntary muscle tension, ragged or heavy breathing, palpitations or increased heart rate and uncontrolled shaking or trembling of the body.
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